The meeting will address a topic of increasing relevance: the condition of women in the technical-scientific professions in relation to the transformation of work currently underway due to digitisation of work.
Particular attention will be given to digital applications aimed at workplace safety, with a focus on gender security.
Amongst other examples, the evolution of an innovative system Si.Sca. will be explored. Si.Sca. is a system developed in Naples in recent years, that allows real-time monitoring, using radio-connected sensors, of the correct use of personal protective equipment and supports reporting of incidents.
Si.Sca. was born from a collaboration between the INAIL agency in the Campania region, the Comitato paritetico territorial-Cpt (in English: the “Territorial Joint Committee”, and now known as Centro formazione e sicurezza-Cfs, or the “Training and Security Center”, chaired by engineer Paola Marone), Federico II University and the Order of Engineers in Italy. It is a flexible and expandable system, which can also be adapted to civilian protection needs. It has achieved prestigious international recognition and has also been validated as "good practice" by the Permanent Consultative Commission for Safety at Work of the Italian Ministry of Work and Social Policy. More recently Si.Sca. is now available as an app that allows you to use the system via Bluetooth, simplifying remote control procedures, improving efficiency and reducing costs. With these fundamental features (functionality, effectiveness, simplicity and - last but not least - low cost), Si.Sca. is a candidate to become a model for security that can be extended to many other areas of work the Euro-Mediterranean area.
The digital revolution can also mean new employment opportunities. In fact, according to the results of the survey "Women and digital transformation: a winning duo", conducted by the consulting firm NetConsulting Cube on behalf of CA Tecnologie on a sample of human resources managers and IT systems directors of 60 Italian companies and 225 students of high Italian schools and professional institutes, there are eight professions related to digital transformation and innovation which, in the near future, will guarantee the best job opportunities in all market sectors. These professions are: Data Protection Officer, Digital Information Manager, IT Security Expert, Big Data Engineer, Application Developer for Mobile Devices, Data Scientist, Expert in "Agile Methodologies" and Internet of Things Expert.
In Italian companies (and even more so in public administration) the presence of these roles is still limited and predominantly male, but the number is destined to grow rapidly in the coming years as a result of the digital transformation process that both companies and public administration have to face to compete and innovate.
The above research highlighted the debate taking place in Italy on the role of women in technological innovation and on the value of training and technical education in the so-called STEM area (Science, technology, engineering and mathematics) for female employability.
The results of the survey also underline how it is necessary to promote more information activities, to allow us to look at new horizons and to gain a broad visibility of the professional opportunities that technology can offer in every sector. In parallel, we need greater collaboration between the worlds of professions, of business and of the non-profit sector to create tangible programs and initiatives, such as “Distribuiscci Your Talents” and “Programma il Futuro”, that encourage young women to engage without preconceptions with STEM issues.
The conference will open a debate and exploration of the international scene with reference to the issues mentioned above.
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